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Acupuncture treatment for Attention Deficit Disorder (ADHD/ADD)

The acupuncture treatment to treat the ADHD disorder usually targeting at 4 acupuncture points which
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Rated Acupoints
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Rated Acupoints
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Rated Acupoints
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Rated Acupoints
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This is a mental disorder of a neurodevelopmental type. It can be suffered by any person lacking attention. Therefore, it is called Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Further, this disorder itself is directly related to the human brain.1








It is characterized by problems paying attention, excessive activity, or difficulty controlling behavior which is not appropriate for a person’s age. These symptoms appear when the person is between six and twelve years old, are present for more than six months, and cause problems in at least two settings (such as school, home, or recreational activities).2 In children, problems paying attention may result in poor school performance. Although it causes impairment, particularly in modern society, many children with ADHD have a good attention span for tasks they find interesting. Other symptoms include self-focused behavior, emotional turmoil, fidgeting, unfinished tasks, lack of focus, mistakes, and daydreams.3



Despite being the most commonly studied and diagnosed mental disorder in children and adolescents, the exact cause is unknown in the majority of cases. It affects about 1–7% of children when diagnosed via the DSM-IV crand and ICD-10 criteria. As of 2016, it is estimated to affect about 55.1 million people. Rates are similar between countries and depend mostly on how it is diagnosed.4 ADHD is diagnosed approximately three times more often in boys than in girls, although the disorder is often overlooked in girls due to their symptoms differing from those of boys. About 30–50% of people diagnosed in childhood continue to have symptoms into adulthood and between 2–5% of adults have the condition. It is believed that inheritance is the most common cause of ADHD. Other less common things that can cause ADHD would be environmental pollutant agents, brain injury, food additives and sugar.5



The following acupoints have shown positive results during a 3 months treatment: Suigou (GV-26), Chengjiang (CV-24), Fengfu (GV-16), Shuigou (GV-26), Quchi (LI-11), Ji-ache (ST-16), Yin-bai (SP-1), Shenmai (BL-62), Daling (PC-7), Laogong (PC-8), Shangxing, Guifeng. Another study recommends the following acupoints for electro-acupuncture: Sichencong, Yintang, Taiyang, Ganshu (BL-18), Shenshu (BL-23), Taixi (KD-3), Pishu (BL-20), Taichong (LR-3). The duration of the treatment is set to once daily, six days per week as a course of the treatment; continued for 12 courses.6

Other study reported positive results stimulating the following acupoints: Master acupoint: Sisheng-cong, Cerebrum-Three-Needle, Tem-
ple-Three-Needle. Matching acupoint: Zusanli (ST-36), Chongyang (ST-42), Shenmen(HT-7), Taixi (KD-3), Fuliu (KD-7), Lieque (LU-7). The duration of the treatment is set to 5 days per week, for two weeks as a course of the treatment; continued for six courses.7



  1. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder – wikipedia.org – 2017, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Attention_deficit_hyperactivity_disorder
  2. Attention Deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): Symptoms – nhs.uk – 2017, http://www.nhs.uk/Conditions/Attention-deficit-hyperactivity-disorder/Pages/Symptoms.aspx
  3. 7 Signs of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) – healthline.com – 2017, http://www.healthline.com/health/adhd/signs#Emotionalturmoil3
  4. ADHARA – myadhd.com – 2017, http://www.myadhd.com/causesofadhd.html
  5. ADHD Causes – childdevelopmentinfo.com – 2017, https://childdevelopmentinfo.com/add-adhd/adhd-causes/
  6. Acupuncture for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder – researchgate.net – 2011, https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Shasha_Li/publication/51049745_Acupuncture_for_Attention_Deficit_Hyperactivity_Disorder_ADHD_in_children_and_adolescents/links/0046353188d214bbb2000000/Acupuncture-for-Attention-Deficit-Hyperactivity-Disorder-ADHD-in-children-and-adolescents.pdf
  7. Acupuncture for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder – researchgate.net – 2011, https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Shasha_Li/publication/51049745_Acupuncture_for_Attention_Deficit_Hyperactivity_Disorder_ADHD_in_children_and_adolescents/links/0046353188d214bbb2000000/Acupuncture-for-Attention-Deficit-Hyperactivity-Disorder-ADHD-in-children-and-adolescents.pdf