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Acupuncture treatment for Breast Cancer

Acupuncture treatment for breast cancer, which is usually happen to female is concentrate at helping
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Breast cancer is cancer that develops from breast tissue. Signs of breast cancer may include a lump in the breast, a change in breast shape, dimpling of the skin, fluid coming from the nipple, or a red scaly patch of skin. In those with distant spread of the disease, there may be bone pain, swollen lymph nodes, shortness of breath, or yellow skin. Risk factors for developing breast cancer include being female, obesity, lack of physical exercise, drinking alcohol, hormone replacement therapy during menopause, ionizing radiation, early age at first menstruation, having children late or not at all, older age, and family history.1








The first noticeable symptom of breast cancer is typically a lump that feels different from the rest of the breast tissue. More than 80% of breast cancer cases are discovered when the woman feels a lump. The earliest breast cancers are detected by a mammogram. Lumps found in lymph nodes located in the armpits can also indicate breast cancer.Indications of breast cancer other than a lump may include thickening different from the other breast tissue, one breast becoming larger or lower, a nipple changing position or shape or becoming inverted, skin puckering or dimpling, a rash on or around a nipple, discharge from nipple/s, constant pain in part of the breast or armpit, and swelling beneath the armpit or around the collarbone. Pain (“mastodynia”) is an unreliable tool in determining the presence or absence of breast cancer, but may be indicative of other breast health issues.2



Risk factors for developing breast cancer include being female, obesity, lack of physical exercise, drinking alcohol, hormone replacement therapy during menopause, ionizing radiation, early age at first menstruation, having children late or not at all, older age, and family history. About 5–10% of cases are due to genes inherited from a person’s parents, including BRCA1 and BRCA2 among others. Breast cancer most commonly develops in cells from the lining of milk ducts and the lobules that supply the ducts with milk. Cancers developing from the ducts are known as ductal carcinomas, while those developing from lobules are known as lobular carcinomas. In addition, there are more than 18 other sub-types of breast cancer. Some cancers, such as ductal carcinoma in situ, develop from pre-invasive lesions.

Smoking tobacco appears to increase the risk of breast cancer, with the greater the amount smoked and the earlier in life that smoking began, the higher the risk. In those who are long-term smokers, the risk is increased 35% to 50%. A lack of physical activity has been linked to about 10% of cases. Some genetic susceptibility may play a minor role in most cases. Overall, however, genetics is believed to be the primary cause of 5–10% of all cases. Breast changes like atypical ductal hyperplasia and lobular carcinoma in situ, found in benign breast conditions such as fibrocystic breast changes, are correlated with an increased breast cancer risk. Diabetes mellitus might also increase the risk of breast cancer. Autoimmune diseases such as lupus erythematosus seem also to increase the risk for the acquisition of breast cancer.3



Related Acupuncture Points :

SI-1, SI-11, GB-21, ST-18, ST-16, CV-17, CV-13, GV-14, BL-20, BL-15, BL-17, SI-9, SP-6.

The acupuncture treatment for breast cancer is concentrated at helping patients to deal with the side effects of mainstream breast cancer treatment. Therefore, the acupuncture treatment focuses in the abdomen part and to stimulate vital energy (Qi).4 Furthermore, the acupuncture treatment of breast cancer aims to relieve the syndrome experienced by the patients. Since the syndrome is somewhat unique among each cancer patients, the chosen treatment must be carefully adapted and performed with an individual goal.5


  1. Breast cancer – medlineplus.gov – 2017, https://medlineplus.gov/ency/article/000913.htm
  2. Signs and symptoms of breast cancer – cancer.ca – 2017, http://www.cancer.ca/en/cancer-information/cancer-type/breast/signs-and-symptoms/?region=sk
  3. Causes of Breast Cancer – nationalbreastcancer.org – 2017, http://www.nationalbreastcancer.org/causes-of-breast-cancer
  4. The Role of Acupuncture in the Treatment of Breast Cancer – ejom.co.uk – 2013, http://www.ejom.co.uk/pdf/Vol6.6-Staebler.pdf
  5. Guidance for prospective acupuncture treatment on cancer-related fatigue (CRF) – apm.amegroups.com – 2013, http://apm.amegroups.com/article/view/1424/2044