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Acupuncture Treatment For Heart Disease

Heart disease is a complex disease. It is relating with many things in human body. Acupuncture regar
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Heart disease or sometimes also called Heart and Blood Vessel Disease or Cardiovascular Disease is a disease that consisted of many problems. Most of the problems regarding with Heart Disease is related with atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis is a condition that happen because there are so many plaques build up in the walls of the arteries. This buildup plaque make arteries become narrow and narrower as the time goes by. This narrowing arteries make the blood difficult to pass.








There are so many symptoms indicating the present of Heart Disease. One most common symptom of the Heart Disease is Angina or Chest Pain. Angina is described as a discomfort, heaviness, pressure, aching, burning, fullness, squeezing, or painful feeling in your chest. Other symptom of Heart Disease are Erectile Dysfunction, Shortness of breath, heart palpitation, faster heartbeat, weakness, dizziness, nausea, and sweating.



The causes of heart disease is depend on the type of the heart disease.
1. Cardiovascular disease is caused by plaque builup in our coronary arteries.
2. Heart Arrhythmia is caused by heart defect, coronary artery disease, high blood pressurre, diabetes, smoking, drug abuse, and stress.
3. Congenital heart defects is caused by misdevelopment of heart during pregnancy.
4. Cardiomyopathy is caused by reduced blood flow to the heart, infections, toxins, inheritance factor, high blood pressure, hemochromatosis, and also cancer treatment.
5. Heart Infection is caused by bacteria, viruses, or parasites.




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Acupuncture Treatment For Heart Disease

Heart disease is a complex disease. It is relating with many things in human body. Acupuncture regard the heart as the emperor. However, the treatment of the heart disease is not conduct directly to the heart. The treatment for heart disease performed at many other organs related with heart. There are many things that can cause heart disease. Each of them must be treated carefully. The treatment for the heart disease and its related acupoints are as follow :
1. Heart Yang Deficiency – Bl 15, Bl 14, Bl 23, Ren 6, Ren 4, Ht 7, PC 6, Ren 9, St 36, Sp 6
2. Heart Qi Deficiency – Sp 6, Ht 7, Pc 6, Lu 7, Ren 17, Bl 15, Bl 20, St 36, An Mian (insomnia)
3. Heart Qi and Blood Deficiency – Bl 15, Sp 6, Sp3, Bl 20, Bl 14, St 36
4. Heart and Kidney Yin Deficiency – Bl 15, Bl 14, Bl 23, Kid 3, Ht 7, Ht 5, Pc 6, Ren 17, Yin Tang, Lu 7
5. Heart Blood Stagnation Due To Cold – Bl 15, Bl 14, Ren 17, Ren 15, Du 14, St 36, Pc 4, Pc 6
6. Blood Stagnation – Bl 15, Bl 14, Bl 17, Bl 13, Hua Tuo Jia Ji, Ren 17, Pc 4, Pc 6, Du 132, Du 10, Sp 10
7. Phlegm Fluid Stagnation – St 40, Ren 17, Pc 6, Pc 5, Pc 4, Bl 13, Bl 15, Bl 14, Lu 7 (Sp 3-tubidity) (Pc 8 / Lu 6 / Liv 2 – Phlegm Heat)
8. Liver Qi stagnation – Liv 14, Liv 3, PC 6, PC 5, BL 18, Ren 17, Lu 7, Yin Tang
The treatment not only involving needling at various acupoints, but also use other method of treatment like moxa. Moxa treatment will be performed at various acupoints at yang meridian. This treatment is aiming to release the water retention. The treatment of the heart disease will be conduct 3 times per day. Each treatment will require 20-30 mins.



  1. What is Cardiovascular Disease?, http://www.heart.org/HEARTORG/Caregiver/Resources/WhatisCardiovascularDisease/What-is-Cardiovascular-Disease_UCM_301852_Article.jsp#.V97DoaInLYg
  2. Symptoms of Heart Disease, WebMD, http://www.webmd.com/heart-disease/guide/heart-disease-symptoms#1
  3. Diseases and Conditions : Heart Disease, mayoclinic.org, http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/heart-disease/basics/causes/con-20034056
  4. Heart Disease, tcm.health-info.org, http://tcm.health-info.org/Common%20Diseases/heartdisease.htm