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Acupuncture Treatment For Hepatitis

The chinese treatment practise see the hepatitis is caused by following reason : • damp heat obstr
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Hepatitis is a disease that happen at our liver. If our liver get hepatitis, our liver will be inflammed. This inflammation condition can affect liver’s ability to perform its function. Hepatitis that last more than 6 months is considered as an chronic hepatitis while the one that last shorter than 6 months is regarded as an acute hepatitis. Hepatitis has some type, i.e hepatitis A, B, and C. Each type of hepatitis has its own characteristic.








Hepatitis, whether acute or chronic sometimes produce no noticable symptoms. If symptoms develop, acute hepatitis may have symptoms such as muscle and joint pain, high fever, feeling sick, general sense of feeling unwell, dark urine, itchy skin, and jaundice. Chronic hepatitis unfortunately also sometimes have no obvious symptoms. This condition of no symptoms can happen until someday the liver stop working properly. In the later stage, chronic hepatitis can have symptom like jaundice, swelling in the legs, confusion, and blood in your stool.



Generally hepatitis is caused by the virus. Other things that can cause hepatitis including excessive consumption ofalcohol. This over consumption can damaged your liver. The alcohol make the liver becoming swell and inflamed. Other cause of hepatitis would be toxic and autoimmune disease.



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Acupuncture Treatment For Hepatitis

The chinese treatment practise see the hepatitis is caused by following reason :
• damp heat obstructing the middle burner;
• liver qi depression affecting the deficient spleen;
• yin deficiency of liver and kidney;
• stagnating blood obstructing the collaterals;
• yang deficiency of spleen and kidney.
One theory of treatment regime for hepatitis are as follow :
1. Toxic pathogens that enter to the nutritive (ying) and blood (xue) level. This pattern can be treat by vitalizing the blood and remove toxin
2. Accumulation of toxic that bring to chronic hepatitis and therefore become hard to disperse. The hepatitis, especially hepatitis C, is classified as yin type disease, damp stagnation, yin coagulation, toxic accumulation, clogging of the collaterals, and obstruction of yang. This condition should be overcome by disperse the liver qi and transform phlegm. However, due to the characteristics of toxin, blood stasis, phlegm, and dampness, there is usually a chronic disease process that does not respond well to treatment.
3. Infection because of kidney deficiency. This is because the kidney qi is weak. This condition should be overcome by tonify the liver and kidney.



  1. Diseases and Conditions : Hepatitis, mayoclinic.org, http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/hepatitis-a/basics/definition/con-20022163
  2. Hepatitis, NHS Choices, http://www.nhs.uk/Conditions/hepatitis/Pages/introduction.aspx#symptoms
  3. Causes of Nonviral Hepatitis, healthline.com, http://www.healthline.com/health/hepatitis#Causes3
  4. Viral hepatitis, umm.edu, http://umm.edu/health/medical/altmed/condition/viral-hepatitis